After a bear hug, Obama gets right down to business with Modi in Asian nation

obama india tour

 in an exceedingly glow of geniality, United state President Barack Obama and Prime Minister Narendra Modi worked on a series of bilateral agreements at a summit on Sunday that each side hope can establish an everlasting strategic partnership.

Signalling his determination to require ties to the next level, Modi bust with protocol to satisfy and bear-hug Obama as he landed in capital of India earlier within the day. it absolutely was a motivating spectacle providing, simply a year past, Modi was persona non grata in Washington and denied a visa to the united state.

After a operating lunch that enclosed kebabs created with lotus stem, figs and spices, the 2 leaders got right down to talks to settle potential agreements on temperature change, renewable energy, taxation and defence cooperation.

 Indian media reportable that negotiators had stricken a deal on civilian nuclear trade. The NDTV news channel same they'd pressed out variations on suppliers' liability within the event of a nuclear accident and on chase of fabric equipped.

The White House declined to discuss the reports and therefore the interpreter for India's Ministry of External Affairs same solely "we hope for a positive outcome at the top of the day".

Obama are the primary U.S. president to attend India's Republic Day parade, associate degree annual show of military may long related to the anti-Americanism of the conflict, and can host a radio show with Modi.

He is present at Monday's parade at Modi personal invitation is that the latest revival in an exceedingly roller-coaster relationship between the 2 largest democracies that simply a year past was in tatters.

"It's a good honour. we tend to ar grateful for this extraordinary welcome," Obama same throughout a welcome at the presidential palace, wherever there was a guard of high respect, a 21-gun salute and a street dog running round the court till it absolutely was pursued away.

Modi greeted Obama and his better half, Michelle, on the tarmac of the field as they diminished the steps from Air Force One on a cloudy winter morning. the 2 leaders hugged one another warmly.

According to protocol, the prime minister doesn't greet foreign leaders on their arrival, meeting them instead at President Bhavan. Modi created the choice himself to interrupt with tradition and shocked even his own handlers, media reports same.

Obama then arranged  a wreath at dominion stairway, a memorial to Gandhi, UN agency is revered because the father of freelance Asian nation.

The roads of recent Delhi were lined with armed police and troopers, a part of a extremely choreographed arrange for the visit.

Up to 40,000 security personnel are deployed for the visit and fifteen thousend new electrical circuit police work cameras are put in within the capital, consistent with media reports.

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